A Convert to the Church attempts to put his convoluted thoughts down on paper Er, ink...whatever...
Thank You for not ruining my life!
Published on April 27, 2004 By Jiggles In Welcome
Well, I am new to the blogging universe, although I feel like I have known it my whole life. Basically, I like to rant, and hopefully, rant often. Whether it's against President Bush (God love him, because I sometimes find it hard too) or the apostate Kerry (God forgive him) I like to talk...about nearly everything. I suppose that I should mention that I am a young, (although incredibly awesome and handsome) Canadian man who thinks life is serious, but doesn't take it seriously. Props to my man Chesterton for that thought.

I think that I should be more specific though. I like religion. Don't exactly know why, although I suspect it has something to do with the idea that if true, the practice of religion is of the utmost importance. Plus, I enjoy my somewhat counter-cultural status as an orthodox Catholic. I am willing to discuss any aspect of religion, although I refuse to work within the caraciatures that the media makes of "traditional religious practices." I may disagree with you, your beliefs, or your understanding of God, but by all that is holy, I will listen to you...at least once.

Now, I hope that people will be interested in my rants and that they challenge their happy, preconcieved notions that everything is alright in society. More importantly, I hope to grow in greater knowledge, wisdom, tact, and to further my agenda to be the first Prime Minister/Pope. Babies for all and abortions for none!

Thirdly, I hope to "connect" in meaningful ways with people of character and intelligence. You never know the type of people that you may meet, although that does not mean that I have suddenly changed and like everybody. To be honest, most people annoy me because of their blissful ignorance. Oh well, Christ was on the Cross for them just as much as me. Nonetheless, I am pretty sure that He likes me better because I am so awesome.

WARNING!!!! I will be using this website to further develop my vast intellectual abilities, therefore, not everything written is what I "really" believe. I will be using this blogg as a sounding board and feel free to correct my percieved ignorance regarding certain matters.

Have fun, enjoy, and Welcome to a Liberal Conservative Protestant's worse nightmare...the true teachings of the Faith!

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